Innovative Technology, Ltd.
105 Carter Rd., Elk City, OK

105 Carter Rd., Elk City, Oklahoma
Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Helping Businesses, Schools, and You
Since 1981

Computers, Networking, Cabling, Programming, Remote Management, and Cloud Services.

Computer repair walk-ins welcome.

Our team of professionals are ready to help you with your IT needs. Anything from computer repair to cabling to the final IT training. And we're local. It's only a short drive from Elk City, Oklahoma. We provide IT services throughout western Oklahoma and the eastern Texas panhandle.


Computer repair walk-ins welcome!

Computer repair walk-ins are welcome. No appointment needed.

Our office is located at 105 Carter Road in Elk City, OK, and our lobby is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Local On-Site Service

Small to medium sized businesses usually don’t have the resources to support a full-time IT department. We can help with that. We provide IT services for communities throughout western Oklahoma and the eastern Texas panhandle. It’s just a short drive from Elk City, Oklahoma, for on-site IT service and support.

Connect with us

You can  connect with us @itlpros on Facebook, Instagram, and now Threads!

Storage Rooms Available

ITL Storage. 105 Carter Rd. Elk City, OK

Elk City, We have 5' x 10' and 10' x 15' storage rooms for rent. Call, 243-0243, or stop by the office for pricing and availability.

